2025 Cancer Reading
Hello my lovely Cancers! Welcome to your 2025 reading. This year, we’re taking a fresh approach. Spirit has guided me to shift away from the usual yearly readings on YouTube and instead bring these insights directly here for you to reflect on throughout the year. For this reading, I’m using three decks: the African Tarot (similar to the traditional Rider Waite deck), the Well Worn Path, and my Rootworker’s Oracle deck. Don’t forget to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs as things may resonate differently.
For the present, which is the overall energy right now, I pulled the wheel of fortune, the spirit doll, and cakes and wine. Your present situation is a time of significant change and shifting energies, marked by a turning point or karmic cycle. The Wheel of Fortune signifies that destiny is in motion, and this could bring unexpected opportunities or challenges. Embrace the new period that you are embarking on. This is the return of karma in a sense. The wheel typically comes when you are embarking on a change of luck. If you have been going through a tough time, expect to see some release. The Spirit Doll emphasizes a connection with spiritual guidance or ancestors, encouraging you to tap into your inner power and seek balance. Cakes and wine is about spiritual nourishment. This is the balance of feminine and masculine energy. This is a focus more on spiritual versus religious aspects. Use this period to really dig within and figure who and what you are.
For challenges, I pulled the queen of cups, the card of Aquarius, and a familiar spirit. You may have some challenges with balancing your emotions and listening to your intuition. You may feel blocked now, especially in an intuitive and spiritual sense. The Queen of Cups represents nurturing energy but also warns of becoming overly sensitive or emotionally overwhelmed. There is a need to balance these emotions. Aquarius suggests a need for innovation and detachment, which tends to clash with this queen of cups. You may find it difficult to detach. The Familiar Spirit points to unseen guidance or spiritual guides, ancestors, etc; however, the challenge may lie in trusting or fully connecting with this energy. It’s important to find harmony between your emotions and intellectual detachment. If you have been having some manifestation blocks, more than likely it comes from being overly attached to the outcomes. Look into the law of detachment. Some blockbuster workings may be beneficial to you right now.
I pulled on some underlying roots or influences for this year and we got the hanged man, the medium, and the altar. The Hanged Man signifies a need for surrender, perspective shifts, or sacrifices for growth. It suggests that stagnation or a pause in action is a necessary step for your evolution. If you are not where you need to be or you feel stagnated, a change of perspective is needed. The Medium emphasizes your ability to connect with other realms or receive messages, while The Altar suggests a focus on sacred spaces and spiritual foundations. In all, what is influencing your situation is your ability to listen to your intuition and decipher the messages that spirit and the universe is bringing you. In order to this, it will require some stillness and also being open to other perspectives, especially throughout this year. Close-mindedness will get you nowhere fast in 2025.
So how do you appear and how do others perceive you this year? I pulled the house, the ace of pentacles, and fire. To others, you appear as a source of stability and opportunity. The House represents security, home, and grounding energy, while the Ace of Pentacles points to new beginnings, abundance, and tangible success. Fire adds passion and vitality. Others perceive you as dynamic, driven, and capable of sparking inspiration or action in others. In other words, you are inspiring to other people, even if you don’t realize it.
I pulled on influencing aspects and I received the 9 of cups, masculine deity and as above so below. The 9 of Cups represents fulfillment, contentment, and wishes coming true. This is a card of being content with where you are and looking towards the future. Gratitude practices will bring more to you. The masculine deity comes to bring balance, make sure to balance both the masculine and feminine when striving to achieve your goals. Example: trust your intuition (feminine), while taking time to strategize steps and execute (masculine energy). As Above, So Below reflects the interconnectedness of spiritual and physical realms, reminding you to align your intentions and actions to achieve desired outcomes. You can do the work in the spiritual, but you also need to do the work in the physical. This is going to require balance without neglecting one or the other. Your inner will reflect your outer.
I pulled on a theme for you and received the tower, cousins, words of magus, queen of wands, herbs, and the stag horned god. The theme of your year, Cancer, involves transformation and resilience. The Tower signifies sudden upheaval or revelations that lead to liberation and rebuilding. The tower breaks down in order to rebuild. Cousins suggest familial or close community ties influencing your situation, possibly bringing support or complications. Once again have balance with these relationships, they can either be beneficial or detrimental. Remember it's ok to love some people from a distance. Words of Magus highlights the power of intention and manifestation, choose your words and thoughts carefully. This is time for higher vision and to look from a different standpoint. Your ability to think outside the box is going to be beneficial for you this year. Conservative thoughts will not fare well for your goals.
For aspirations and concerns, we get the queen of wands, the card of herbs, and the stag horned god. You may aspire to embody confidence, leadership, and a connection to your power as represented by the Queen of Wands. The Queen of Wands also balances her life. She balances her home, career, and family. Herbs highlight a desire for healing, balance, and aligning with nature's energy. The herbs card is also grounding energy so what makes you feel safe and secure, especially on the financial front. The Stag horned God focuses on material abundance, gain and energy, all masculine traits, which could be an area of focus or even concern this year. Your confidence will pay a huge role in how you manifest abundance this year, as well as remaining grounded… root chakra exercises anyone?
For advice, we pulled the world, the aries card, and the wand. The World advises you to embrace the big picture and aim for completion and wholeness, while also embracing change. Something is ending in your life, which comes with a new beginning. This card signifies the culmination of efforts, suggesting that success is within reach if you remain focused on integrating all aspects of your journey. Aries brings a call to action, urging you to step into your power with courage, confidence, and determination. It’s a reminder to trust your instincts, take bold steps, and not shy away from leadership roles or risks.
Aries can also be a bit impulsive and impatient, make sure to keep this in check. Balance is key. The Wand symbolizes your creative and spiritual tools, urging you to harness your inner power and also use the tools that are at your disposal (incorporating spiritual practices as well). Together, this combination encourages you to find harmony between taking initiative and being assertive and using your talents and resources to achieve your goals. You may be looking forward to a new cycle, especially if you feel you have been going through a tough time. This is a time to focus on harnessing your personal power to manifest your goals. You have the ability to create the life you desire, but you also have to trust in the process and divine timing, while surrendering.
The outcomes, which can change, depending on if you take the advice, comes with the king of wands, 2 of pentacles, sun, lodestone, and crescent crowned goddess. The outcome is one of empowerment and balance. The King of Wands represents masteryand the ability to lead. Many of you may be called to take on a leadership role in your career, business, or personal life. This could involve mentoring others, or being recognized as an authority in some field you are in. The 2 of Pentacles highlights the importance of juggling priorities and finding balance in various aspects of life. You might face a period where you're juggling multiple priorities, such as work, family, or creative projects. Financial decisions or practical planning may require focus to maintain harmony and avoid overwhelm.
The Sun brings vitality, success, and clarity, indicating a bright and prosperous outcome. Lodestone emphasizes attraction and magnetism, you will draw opportunities and blessings toward you. Expect moments of success and clarity, such as a breakthrough in a personal or professional goal. You may receive public recognition or some type of financial reward, overall a period of fortunate events.
The Crescent Crowned Goddess signifies divine feminine energy, intuition, and cycles of renewal. A deeper connection to divine feminine energy and intuition.Make sure to embrace this as it will be helpful when manifesting and making decisions in the future!
Best of luck Cancer!
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