2025 Libra
Hello my beautiful Libras! Welcome to your 2025 reading. This year, we’re taking a fresh approach. Spirit has guided me to shift away from the usual yearly readings on YouTube and instead bring these insights directly here for you to reflect on throughout the year. For this reading, I’m using three decks: the African Tarot (similar to the traditional Rider Waite deck), the Well Worn Path, and my Rootworker’s Oracle deck. Don’t forget to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs as things may resonate differently.
For the present, which is the overall energy right now, I pulled the knight of pentacles, the secrets card, and the crescent crowned goddess. Your current energy is focused on persistence, uncovering hidden truths, and aligning with divine cycles. The Knight of Pentacles indicates you are working diligently toward your goals, taking a steady and practical approach. The knight is the card of slow and steady, keep going even if you feel like you are not seeing immediate results in your life- whether this is career, business matters, relationships, or even if it's health- like workouts, etc. However, the secrets card behind this reveals that not everything is out in the open, there may be unknown factors or withheld information influencing your progress. It could also represent aspects of yourself that you have yet to fully explore. This is also a time for you to move in silence with your goals. Everyone may not be as happy for you as you think. Outside energy can affect your goals. Only speak when it is time to say “Checkmate.” The Crescent Crowned Goddess brings the nurturing, intuitive energy of the divine feminine, asking you to trust your inner voice and recognize that you are in a period of creation. Your patience and grounded energy are essential as you navigate hidden or subtle dynamics, ensuring that what you build now will last. This is a period of building for the future.
I pulled on some challenges and I received the 6 of swords, neptune, and the harvest card. Your challenges focus on transitions, illusions, and the rewards of past actions. The Six of Swords shows you’re in a phase of moving on from difficulties, but this journey may feel slow or uncertain. Emotional baggage or lingering ties could be making the transition harder than expected. Neptune brings a layer of confusion, highlighting areas where your dreams or perceptions might be clouded. You may struggle to discern between what is real versus what is wishful thinking. Harvest suggests that you are facing the results of seeds planted in the past, whether positive or negative. The challenge lies in appreciating what you’ve gained while releasing anything that no longer serves your growth. Balancing your emotional and spiritual clarity will help you fully embrace this transition. Also the harvest card reminds you that the seeds you are planting now, you may have to wait for them to sprout, which may be causing you to grow a bit impatient.
I pulled on some underlying roots or influences for this year and we got the 7 of wands, mistress, and the law of 3. The root causes of your current situation stem from resilience, hidden aspects, and karma (the return of past effort). The Seven of Wands shows that you’ve been standing firm against challenges or opposition, fighting to protect your position or ideals. You may be defensive based on things experienced from the past and may have roots in a history of needing to prove yourself or hold your ground in difficult situations. The Mistress suggests that there are hidden elements influencing your energy, such as secrets, power dynamics, or unspoken desires. This was also seen with the secrets card, there could be others wishing on your downfall, which is why it is important to move in silence and watch your circle this year libra, don’t be paranoid, but cautious. This card may also point to a part of yourself you’ve kept hidden or that needs acknowledgment. The Law of Three reminds you that your actions, thoughts, and energy come back to you threefold, emphasizing the importance of intention and mindfulness in shaping your future. Pay attention to your thoughts and energy that you are projecting this year. Cleansing and meditative practices benefit you this year.
So how do you appear to others this year Libra? For this we pulled the 9 of pentacles, road opener, and the cauldron. To others, you exude confidence, self-sufficiency, and a resourceful nature. The Nine of Pentacles reflects your independence and ability to create a comfortable, stable life for yourself. People see you as someone who knows how to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You look like you have your stuff together Libra. The Road Opener card shows that you’re perceived as someone who creates pathways, both for yourself and for others, often unlocking opportunities that were previously inaccessible. The Cauldron speaks to your depth and transformative energy. Others see you as someone who can make things move and make thign happen.
For influencing aspects, I pulled the 10 of cups, sister, and the stag horned god. Your current energy is being shaped by emotional fulfillment, supportive relationships, and leadership. The Ten of Cups reflects a desire for harmony and happiness in your personal relationships, particularly within family or close-knit groups. The Sister card highlights the importance of bonds with those who support your growth, whether literal siblings, chosen family, or close friends, these connections are influencing your journey. Make sure to balance this. You will know if these relationships are beneficial or detrimental to your growth, whichever one, make the necessary changes if needed. The Stag Horned God brings in vitality and decisive action, encouraging you to embrace your inner leader and take bold steps toward your goals. These aspects create a supportive and empowering foundation for you to build on.
For the theme, I pulled the 2 of wands, the conjure woman, and the key. The theme for this period focuses on choices, manifestation, and unlocking potential. The Two of Wands indicates that you’re at a crossroads, carefully considering which path to take as you evaluate your long-term goals. The Conjure Woman reinforces your ability to manifest, reminding you that you hold the power to create the life you want through intention and action. Also don’t forget your manifestation techniques. The Key symbolizes opportunities and solutions, suggesting that what you need is already within your reach. This theme encourages you to trust your instincts, make clear decisions, and use your power to open doors that once seemed closed.
For aspirations and concerns, I pulled the king of pentacles, crystals, and the ancestral spirit. Your aspirations revolve around stability, clarity, and honoring and continuing legacy. The King of Pentacles shows a desire to achieve material success and build a life of security and abundance. You are focused on creating a stable foundation not just for yourself but also for those who rely on you. Crystals reflect your concern for maintaining energetic balance and clarity, as you seek healing and alignment in both your spiritual and material pursuits. The Ancestral Spirit card highlights the importance of your connection to your lineage, suggesting that you may be thinking about how to honor your ancestors while creating a meaningful legacy of your own.
For advice I pulled the 8 of wands, chicken foot, and the card of the broom. The advice for you Libra is to embrace momentum, protection, and cleansing. The Eight of Wands urges you to act quickly and decisively, as opportunities may arise that require swift action. Trust in the momentum you’ve built and allow it to carry you forward. Chicken Foot advises you to protect your energy from negativity or interference, ensuring that your progress is not derailed by outside influences. This is the year to eliminate distractions. The Broom suggests that now is the time to clear out anything that no longer serves you, whether it’s emotional clutter, physical belongings, or old habits. A clean slate will allow you to move forward with confidence and clarity.
For outcomes, I pulled the 2 of pentacles, the ace of wands, jupiter, attachment, and old ones. The outcomes for you this year come with a period of dynamic growth, inspiration, and emotional release. The Two of Pentacles indicates you’ll find balance among multiple priorities, managing work, relationships, and personal goals with grace and by becoming adaptable. The Ace of Wands brings a surge of creativity and motivation, signaling new beginnings such as a new relationship, or passion that reignites your excitement for life. The ace of wands comes with opportunities and can even indicate something like a new career venture or promotion. Jupiter amplifies this energy, bringing expansion, luck, and opportunities for growth, possibly through a breakthrough in your career, personal development, or even travel. However, Attachment reveals that part of this process involves confronting and releasing lingering ties to the past that have been holding you back. Although the attachment card can also represent the physical, so an increase in power and wealth this year as well. The Old Ones signify the influence of ancestral wisdom or karmic energy, guiding you to draw strength from your roots while letting go of outdated patterns. You may experience emotional release, spiritual growth, and the chance to embrace opportunities that align with your highest potential, making this a time of profound transformation and forward movement. This year you may even start to break generational curses and form new generational strengths.
Best wishes Libra
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