I got a reading done because I wanted to know if I should move on to doing money workings for myself. I have been on this journey since the summer and I been doing work on my family and myself Sade seen that in the cards!!! She told me I can start doing other workings she also reminded me within the reading to stay up on my spiritual baths and told me some other things as well. She also confirmed for me that I have to leave a situation alone!! I wrote this review to say that I literally cried reading my reading because this past year has been a dozy for myself and family. I am truly thankful I found Sade and 3rd Generation Conjure. You have to change your mindset, you gotta remove doubt , stay grounded (which is something I am always working on) show gratitude and DO THE WORK! Spirit always knows ! I am crying while I am writing this because I am so grateful for their services and their willingness to help me and others . I can never say enough thank you’s for myself and my family!!